Sometimes plans don't go the way you think.

We have been friends for nearly 20 years. Together, we have supported one another through child raising, divorces, marriages, illness, and retirement. We have become lifetime friends. This trip began in 2020 when we decided to have a long weekend in the Fall to celebrate one of us turning 50, one turning 60 and one just because. We brought along my sister, Lisa, to be our designated driver. And then the pandemic shut down the state and the world. It took us 3 years to reschedule. And here is our adventure.

The plan.

Only one of us had been on a wine tasting trip. We didn't want to be wasted the whole time, but wanted to enjoy the experience. We decided to do 3-4 wineries per day, allowing 1-2 hrs each. The hard part was fitting them in during their open times. 

Check out our itinerary here.